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HeartMath Breathing


HeartMath breathing techniques are a simple, yet powerful way to reduce stress, anxiety, help you sleep better, eat better and generally allow your body to heal and process emotions easier. It helps you regulate your nervous system, and helping you lower fight and flight responses.


When you practice the breathing techniques, it trains your brain to stay in the present moment. Even as little as 5 minutes a day can help you stay present and to love in the moment, rather than thinking about the past or future all the time.

To help you practice the breathing, here is a simple technique to help you focus. You don't need to sit and meditate for hours on end. You can do it throughout the day, when you wake up in the morning, when you are eating, walking, relaxing in the evenings, and going to sleep. By doing this, you make it a part of your day and you will feel calmer, and more in control of your life. The more you practice this beautiful breathing technique, the more you will find yourself doing it naturally all the time.

Here are 3 techniques for you to practice, that I will be showing you in our sessions. 

1. Power of Neutral (For when you are overthinking or feeing stressed)

This is a simple yet powerful technique for neutralizing and discharging stressful emotions. It helps you to use the power of your heart to bring peace and calm to the mind, so you are in a neutral state.

Do this at least 10 times throughout the day for 3 days. You could do it when you wake up, if you catch yourself overthinking, feeling angry about something, before you eat each meal or snack, then before you go to bed.

Step One

Focus on your heart centre and begin breathing slightly slower and deeper than you usually would. Imagine air flowing into your heart and out as you feel yourself relaxing and focusing in your body.

Step Two

Neutralise the stressful thoughts and feelings as you continue to breathe. Allow them to disappear with each breath.

​Once you have done this for 3 days, then move onto the 'Heart Focused Breathing'

2. Heart Focused Breathing (To do throughout the day, to elevate your emotions)

This is a focused breathing that helps you connect to your heart centre, which allows you to stay in the present moment and feel calmer and take you out of stressful thinking or anxious feelings.


Step One

Focus on your heart area and imagine breathing into your heart and out of your heart. Breathe a little deeper than normal, in for 5 seconds and out for 5 seconds.  Keep your eyes open and relax with each out breath as you feel yourself in your body.​

Step Two

Imagine now that you are breathing into your heart. Slowly breathing into your heart and out of your heart and feel the air moving in your heart.​

Step Three

When you are breathing into your heart, smile a little and think and feel positive emotions of gratitude and compassion or a pet or someone you love.





3. Notice and Ease (This is an effective tool for acknowledging emotions. Do this technique if you are feeling angry, anxious, sad, overwhelmed, or wanting to eat emotionally)

If this is to help with emotional eating, if you feel the urge to eat when you aren't physically hungry, then ask yourself, "what am I feeling?" See what emotion is behind the need to eat.


Step One

Begin Heart centred breathing. 

Step Two 

Try to name the emotion you are feeling

Step Three 

Tell yourself to E-A-S-E as you gently focus in your heart, relax as you breathe and ease the stressful feeling out.

Try these simple technique 10 times throughout the day.​



You may find it easier to just follow the pacer below. You can listen to the music above and watch the pacer below together, just try and see what works for you best. Don't feel pressure, or feel you are doing it wrong, as there is no wrong. The more you practice the more you will be able to recall that calm feeling faster and more through out your day.​


If you chose to follow this breathing technique, make sure you are in a quiet, safe place without being disturbed.

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