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I had struggled with stress, anxiety and found it hard to motivate myself from early teens and only got worse throughout the years. I had tried changing my diet, detoxing, meditation, prescribed many medications but nothing helped. I began my holistic journey when my Father passed in 2007 and I did a Reiki Healing course. This completely changed my view on understanding how to balance and keep the mind, body connection aligned and happy for emotional and physical wellbeing. 

I read over 100 self help books and trained in more than 20 healing modalities. The more I learned, the more I gradually began piecing together what worked and my body began to calm down, my digestion system worked better, my hormones were more balanced and my nervous system regulated so that I wasn't living in fight and flight and survival mode all the time.

My mind felt calmer, my head and body wasn't aching any more, and other amazing things began to happen in my life.


The more I focused on lowering my stress levels, the more motivation I had to change areas in my life and opportunities came my way.

I now help and support others to heal trauma and transform beliefs to release stress and restore harmony within the mind and body, so they can focus more on what they want to create in their life, rather than living in survival mode.

Having struggled with symptoms related to stress, and anxiety and it blocking me from moving forward or changing things in my life, I now feel more balanced, I have more inner confidence, and much more self belief and worth. 


Which is why I am wanting to share and help others achieve the same.

I have worked with 100's of clients to restore harmony within themselves, with energy healing, by applying a combination of different healing techniques, that work in slightly different ways, but bring amazing results. 

Experiencing the journey, has taught me the importance of living in the present moment, emotional self care, self acceptance and the transformative power of energy healing. I am passionate about sharing these insights with others, helping them find their path to peaceful eating and a balanced life.

Suzanne xx


My Credentials

Emotion, Body & Belief Code Practitioner
HeartMath Certified Practitioner
Spiritual Response Therapist Practitioner
Mindfulness Coach
EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
Emo-Trance Practitioner
Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner
Reiki Master
Certified Quantum Healer

Qualified Life Coach

Harmony Healing

OPENING HOURS:  Monday - Saturday




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